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I started clomid in late April. At that time I had lost 55 lbs in 15 weeks(3.7 lbs per week). Since then, I have lost 10lb in 5+ weeks(2 lbs per week). When this statement appears in front of your eyes, do you wonder: Clomiphene works in weight loss?
Clomiphene citrate is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator that was approved by the FDA in 1967 to treat fertility problems. By blocking the effects of estrogen on the hypothalamus, Clomiphene promotes the production and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestatin (FSH).
In its scope, Clomifene does not have a weight loss effect, so why do users lose so much weight after using clomifene?
Continuing to look down and see that the reason why users use Clomid is to increase their testosterone levels.
I do not know my current T levels. The doc put me on 3 months of Clomid, 25mg/day and I get teste again in mid-July. At that time, I will also get my E teste and go on an E-blocker, if needed. When I’m not on Clomid or something similar, my T levels are very low: 180-220s. I’ve been on Clomid, and another I can’t remember the name of, before and it gets my levels up to normal-ish (400-650). I’m hoping to get my levels to 800+ with help, weight-loss and lifting heavy weights.
It’s not hard to see how Clomiphene has the ability to raise testosterone levels. How does it do it? In men, the negative feedback regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) influence by estrogen, and by blocking the hypothalamic action of estrogen, the HPTA axis will continue to respond positively, resulting in more testosterone production.
The weight loss caused by using Clomiphene is actually the result of increased testosterone levels.
Adults tend to get fatter as they get older; Adult men’s testosterone levels gradually decline as they age. It seems that weight gain in adult men is associated with low testosterone levels. While low testosterone does not directly lead to obesity, people with low testosterone do tend to be more likely to gain weight. Using Clomiphene to boost testosterone levels, combined with exercise, makes it easier to lose fat and gain muscle, and the technical word is that testosterone changes the composition of the body.
So, Clomiphene has no weight loss effect, but people with low testosterone levels who use Clomiphene have fat loss and muscle gain effect.