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When testosterone or testosterone esters are used, the frequency of injection is usually related to their half-life. If the corresponding ester has a shorter half-life, the injection frequency will be higher. If it corresponds to a long ester, the corresponding injection frequency is lower. Some people pursue daily injections frequency in the belief that they can achieve more stable testosterone levels. Is it necessary?
The half-life is the time it takes for the concentration of testosterone or testosterone ester to drop to half of the initial dose after it enters the body. A half-life is usually when the concentration of drugs in the body is at its highest. Therefore, in order to maintain the maximum concentration of testosterone in the body, the next injection of quasi-testosterone is usually started at the time of the first half-life to maintain the stability of testosterone levels in the body.
It is important for bodybuilders to strictly adhere to the half-life injection. Stable testosterone levels help bodybuilders stay active and have enough energy to engage in exercise. For TRT, because the body’s testosterone levels fluctuate greatly, from 300 to 1000ng/dL is a large range, therefore, once a week or once every two weeks injection can maintain basic testosterone levels.
For TRT, many people say that if they get an injection every two weeks, they may feel more tired during the last part of the second week. When changed to weekly injections, it can be a good relief from fatigue. People with TRT need continuous injections over a long period of time, so they are not incline to increase the frequency of injections because that would bring more work.
For bodybuilders, they rarely choose to give a second dose a few days after the half-life has passed, so if they follow the half-life to determine the frequency of injection, there is little impact on the effectiveness of use. For a while, testosterone users pursued higher injection frequency, believing that it would lead to better results. If their weekly dose is 600mg, they can inject 600mg once a week, or they can inject twice with 300mg each time, or they can inject three times with 200mg, and some people pursue daily injections, thinking that they can get more stable testosterone levels. Is it necessary?
A frequency of injections based on the half-life gives you a relatively stable testosterone level. Some people think that daily injections can better simulate the level of natural testosterone, which is actually more equivalent to a psychological comfort. We’re already using exogenous testosterone, which is testosterone with esters, which is inherently different from endogenous testosterone. Excessive frequency has no additional benefit other than to find yourself more things to do.
Of course, things are not absolute, some people who are sensitive to testosterone respond that if they inject once a week, testosterone levels fluctuate more and estrogen levels spike, never bringing serious estrogen side effects, if they divide the weekly dose into once a day, there will be no estrogen side effects, and there is no need to take AI.
However, this is a rare phenomenon, Bodybuilders who use testosterone. The most common frequency of use is three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and two times a week. They say the once-a-day injection makes no difference other than the need to use more pins and prick yourself more times.