» Blog » Npp steroid build lean muscle without water retention good choice for cutting

NPP-Steroid baut magere Muskeln ohne Wassereinlagerungen auf, gute Wahl zum Schneiden


NPP-Steroid wurde ursprünglich von der FDA in 1959 für medizinische Zwecke unter dem Markennamen Durabolin, sein vollständiger Name lautet Nolone phenylpropionate, ein synthetisches anaboles Steroid. Es hat eine hohe anabole Aktivität mit einem 11:1 Verhältnis von anaboler zu androgener Aktivität und wird von Bodybuildern auf der ganzen Welt häufig verwendet.

Im Gegensatz zu Deca Durabolin(Norone caprate), their active ingredient is all Norone, only the ester to which they are attach is different and therefore has a different half-life. Einfach ausgedrückt, NPP is the short ester form of Norone with a half-life of 2 An 3 Tage, and Deca is the long ester form of Norone with a half-life of 5 An 7 Tage. bodybuilder can select the appropriate length of ester depending on the length of the respective cycle time. If you run a short cycle, Npp is the choice, if there is a long cycle, then you should choose Deca.

Npp steroid build muscle

NPP is the short ester form of Norone, which can build muscle mass quickly and significantly increase muscle strength. Most users gain 10-20 pounds of muscle mass after a NPP cycle.

NPP leads to better water retention than Deca, so the gains from using NPP look more pronounced and more solid. Daher, in addition to grow muscle, NPP also good for cutting.

How to use NPP steroid

The usual dose range for NPP is 300mg-1000mg per week, and 300mg-500mg per week is a good start for beginners. It has a short half-life and requires injections 2-3 times a week to maintain stable levels in the body. Bodybuilder will also stack NPP with testosterone for maximum benefit.

Npp steroid is mild when compare with testosterone, the effect of estrogen and androgen was smaller than testosterone, so it was safer. We could choose a longer cycle using NPP, Wie 12 Wochen.

NPP steroid is a great option for bodybuilders who want to get quality muscle in a short cycle. Especially for newbies, they tend not to be able to handle the body’s response to hormones well and are easily affect by the estrogen or androgen responses they bring on. Wassereinlagerungen, Zum Beispiel, can lead to increased blood pressure and high levels of water in the muscle gained. If left untreated, water loss in the muscle later in life can lead bodybuilder to believe that the muscle mass gained is rapidly disappearing. Muscles build by Npp are drier and better shaped. this is also one of the reasons why bodybuilder use it in cutting cycle.

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