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In the history of bodybuilding, bodybuilding has always been considered male-dominated. As a result, most bodybuilding supplements are also developed for men, without considering whether women can use them, such as anabolic steroids, steroid family Many products can make the body secrete a lot of androgens, which are not suitable for women.
In fact, for a long time, the number of female bodybuilders has dominated. After the feminist movement in the early 1970s, women were seen as strong competitors in the bodybuilding industry. After learning that many men are getting huge bodybuilding benefits from various bodybuilding supplements, women are also in desperate need of a product to increase their workout benefits.
Speaking of sarms, although he mainly faces the male market, it does not mean that it cannot be used by women. Unlike anabolic steroids, many of the products in the sarms family are not androgen regulators. These products can help women gain benefits without strong side effects. Today, let’s take a look at a few of the most suitable for women.
GW501516 is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPAR-delta) agonist. GW501516 has a potent fat-reducing effect, while it also increases endurance with use and improves cardiovascular performance.
For females, GW501516 does not have the main features of an androgen receptor modulator and therefore does not masculinize females.
It is worth mentioning that, using GW501516 to complete a complete cycle, to a large extent, if you do not feel any physical discomfort, you do not need to perform PCT.
Regarding the dose of GW501516, it is actually very easy. Most of the doses of sarms on the Internet are aimed at men. The dose of sarms used by women is basically half that of men. The effect can be achieved very well. Use GW501516 for a complete cycle It is about 8 weeks. The female dose of GW501516 can achieve good results with a daily dose of 5-10mg.
MK2866 is also called Ostarine. MK2866 has a milder effect and is one of the more popular sarms used by women.
The main effect of MK2866 is to increase the user’s strength and endurance, as well as increase muscle mass and increase joint health. In many cases, bodybuilders like to stack MK2866 with other products.
Regarding the MK2866 cycle, it is generally about 8 weeks. If you feel that the time is short, you can also extend the time to about 10 weeks according to your own needs. The recommended daily dose of MK2866 for women is 5-15mg, you can choose according to your needs A dose that works best for you.
SR9009 is also one of the most popular sarms for female bodybuilders, as a metabolic regulator, it can help bodybuilders gain more stamina. SR9009 also promotes protein synthesis, which means it can increase muscle gains and speed up the recovery of muscles torn by exercise.
As a conditioner, SR9009 has a mild effect. However, unlike MK2866, SR9009 does not need to be stacked in most cases, and it can work well alone.
As for the dosage of SR9009, the daily dosage of SR9009 for male bodybuilders is 25-30mg, for female bodybuilders, 10-15mg can play a very good effect, in most cases, it is recommended to use 10mg per day. Since the half-life of SR9009 is short, only 4 hours, it means that you need to take it 2-3 times a day. Remember to divide 10mg into 2 or 3 parts.
Regarding the SR9009 cycle, the general situation is that the female bodybuilders cycle is about 8 weeks.
If female bodybuilders want to get a more perfect body shape, maybe S4 can help you.
S4 is also known as Andarine, it can provide a good help for both men and women, it can help bodybuilders increase endurance, but also can promote the increase of lean muscle, increase bone density, and burn fat at the same time. Although .S4 has such a powerful effect, its side effects are very small or even negligible.
The dose of S4 is very similar to that of many sarms products, and the daily dose is also 10-15mg. The S4 cycle is about 8 weeks. If it is the first time to use S4 for cycle, it is strongly recommended not to exceed 8 weeks.
The half-life of S4 is similar to that of SR9009, which is about 4-6 hours, which means that you take it about 2-3 times a day. For the convenience of calculation, it is recommended to take it after three meals.
At astersteroid, you can learn a lot about bodybuilding. If you have any doubts, you can also communicate with us and explore. As a manufacturer of sarms, peptides and steroid original powder, we provide high-quality products at the same time. Hope to provide more help to customers. If you want to buy these products, you can click on the home page. You can also click here.