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Many AAS have been developed since anabolic steroids were first synthesized, Among the many commonly used AAS, Boldenone review is neither the strongest nor the mildest. Why bodybuilders choose it for bodybuilding?
For bodybuilders, AAS are divided into injectable and oral. Commonly used injectable AAS are: Testosterone and testosterone esters, Trenbolone (Finaplix), Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin), Boldenone (Euipose), Drostanolone (Masteron), Metenolone (Primobolan). Common oral AAS are: Oxandrolone (anavar), Metandienone (dianabol), stanozolol (winstrol), oxymetholone (anadrol), mesterolone (proviron), methasteron (superdrol).
Testosterone is the basic steroid of the human body and plays an important role in the body. The vast majority of bodybuilding students choose anabolic steroids when testosterone or testosterone esters are their first choice.
Boldenone is an anabolic steroid developed based on testosterone and is also a naturally occurring steroid. Compared with testosterone molecule, Boldenone has a double bond between carbon atom 1 and carbon atom 2. Just because of the influence of this double bond, Boldenone’s binding affinity with estrogen synthase is reduced, thus reducing the probability of being converted into estrogen. Therefore, compared with testosterone molecule, Boldenone has a double bond. Boldenone gives bodybuilder less estrogen effect.
In addition to estrogen effects, Boldenone also has a smaller androgen effect, due to its very low affinity for androgen receptors after its action with 5AR. We know that the testosterone in the body is converted to DHT under the action of 5AR, and DHT has an enhanced androgenic effect in the androgenic tissue, about 3-10 times greater than testosterone. Boldenone, on the other hand, is transformed into dihydroboldenone after its action with 5AR in androgen tissues. However, the affinity between dihydroboldenone and androgen receptors is very low or even non-existent, so Boldenone has a smaller androgen effect in androgen tissues.
Therefore, compared with testosterone, Boldenone has enhanced anabolic activity but smaller androgenic and estrogenic effects. For bodybuilder, it is the anabolic activity of AAS rather than the androgen activity or estrogen action that is required. Therefore, Boldenone has an advantage over testosterone in AAS.
Compared with Trenbolone, Dianabol and other fast-building AAS, Boldenone is not as powerful as them. However, gaining more muscle or better shape is not a rush for bodybuilder. Steady muscle gain is the big trend. Boldenone provides slow and steady muscle growth, and it also increases the distribution of blood vessels, making the muscle mass obtained by bodybuilder leaner and more shapeless.