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SERM and AI are Bodybuilders used to reduce and prevent estrogen-related adverse reactions in AAS cycle. SERM is a modulator of estrogen receptors, including tamoxifen and clomiphene. AI is an aromatase inhibitor, including exemestane and Arimidex. AI is divided into two types, one is an irreversible steroid inhibitor, such as exemestane, that forms a permanent binding to the aromatase complex. …
When bodybuilding with AAS, the level of testosterone running in the body is much higher than the level of naturally occurring testosterone. This leads to a decrease in natural testosterone levels. When the AAS cycle is over and the intake of exogenous AAS is abruptly stopped, the body will be in a low testosterone state. As a large number of …
What is Clomid? Clomid is a non-steroidal SERM that promotes the release of more FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH(luteinizing hormone) from GnRH. FSH and LH help to increase the body’s testosterone level, which is very important when the bodybuilder is affected by exogenous AAS resulting in testosterone suppression. In addition to increasing gonadotrophins, Clomid also binds to estrogen receptors, making it …
Why does Bodybuilder run pct cycle Pct cycle or post-cycle treatment refers to the protocol followed by the bodybuilder after completing the anabolic steroid (AAS) cycle. Although AAS cycle can provide benefits such as amazing muscle growth, AAS can also take a toll on bodybuilder’s physical health, especially on testosterone levels. When bodybuilder takes AAS, these AAS drugs provide a …
Approved by the FDA for medical use in 1967, Clomid is a nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that treats male and female infertility primarily by stimulating sperm production and ovulation. The launch of Clomid ushered in the era of assisted reproductive technology. Clomid for Female Clomid blocks the production of estrogen and stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary to produce …
We have heard many people say that sarm MK677 can be used in pct cycle. Do you have any doubts about this? The medications commonly used by bodybuilder for pct are aromatase inhibitors (AI) and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM), and some male Bodybuilders also use hCG. Because exogenous supplementation of AAS increases the level of free testosterone in the …
When the bodybuilder uses a supplement, the consideration of whether the pct cycle is required is usually derived from the consideration of the possible side effects of the supplement. Common side effects fall into two broad categories. One is androgen side effects. The intrinsic effects of androgen side effects are testosterone suppression, the external manifestations are acne, increased aggression, etc. …
No matter what products you use to increase testosterone levels, if you are not sure if you need PCT, then you can go for a blood test. Of course, this is not your only option. There are many more ways to verify yourself Is PCT required? Read on for the answers you need. What is PCT? PCT is short for …
If you don’t know about bodybuilding supplements, like the anabolic steroid, you might be intimidated by the exaggerated side effects you’ll see in various reports. But for a bodybuilder, they’ve been exposed to steroids, they know about steroids, they Get huge bodybuilding benefits with the help of steroids while avoiding the side effects of steroids. Are you surprised? Yes, it …
PCT is performed after a complete steroid cycle in order to allow our body to regain its healthiest functions while making huge bodybuilding gains. Now, more experienced bodybuilders are looking to HCG, which they have found in many studies and experiments to be more effective in helping them with PCT. Let’s continue our analysis. What is PCT? When considering everything …
A complete PCT should be prepared before the end of our steroid. In a steroid cycle, the use of steroid more or less suppresses the user’s own testosterone production. Although in most cases the body will slowly restore the suppressed testosterone to normal through self-regulation, without PCT, the recovery time will be very long, and too much time will cause …
Today, we will continue to explain the choice of PCT products. After we carry out steroid cycle, the more senior bodybuilders know how to carry out a complete PCT, because they deeply realize that only physical health is unique. When we carry out PCT, a common link is anti estrogen. Chest enlargement, nipple protrusion, severe even chest fibrosis and caking …