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Compare Hexarelin Acetate and Ghrelin: Unlocking the secret of stimulating growth hormone secretion

Compare Hexarelin Acetate and Ghrelin: Unlocking the secret of stimulating growth hormone secretion

GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) based on the development of growth hormone secretadotropin, because it is a synthetic form of GHRH or a cut from the amino acid sequence of GHRH, and has a similar role to GHRH in promoting HGH secretion. Hexarelin Acetate, on the other hand, has a different structure than GHRH, but is rather similar to GHRP-6, …

Sarms vs steroids: sarms is steroids with small doses?

Sarms vs steroids: sarms is steroids with small doses?

Sarms users and steroids users are two different groups, and usually there is no overlap between the two groups. We usually think that sarms are safer and have fewer side effects than steroids, but some people think that this is because the dose of sarms is lower. But when compare sarms vs steroids dose, if increase the dose of sarms …

Do I need PCT after a sarms cycle?

Do I need PCT after a sarms cycle?

The main advantage of Sarms compared with AAS is that androgen side effects are less. PCT is required for every AAS cycle (except TRT). Does the sarms cycle need PCT? It depends on the type of SARMs A major problem that PCT addresses is the suppression of endogenous testosterone, so One criterion for determining whether need PCT for One sarms …

If I only use steroids or sarms for one cycle, is it still dangerous?

If I only use steroids or sarms for one cycle, is it still dangerous?

If we do have a certain disease, and the doctor prescribes the corresponding drug and tells us that this drug will have multiple side effects such as this and that, we will still take that drug. And when there is a healthy person, going to try a drug, we’re going to pay more attention to the side effects of the drug, …

Clomiphene vs Enclomiphene Ocular sides and causes

Clomiphene vs Enclomiphene Ocular sides and causes

In the process of using AAS or sarms, you can choose to use different AAS or choose one from a number of sarms, but you can hardly avoid SERM clomiphene or enclomiphene. men with low testosterone levels also use Clomid or enclo to boost their testosterone levels. In the course of the use of various drugs, there may be some …

When should I use SERM enclomiphene/clomiphene in the sarms cycle?

When should I use SERM enclomiphene/clomiphene in the sarms cycle?

Some sarms, such as gw501516 and sr9009, we believe do not inhibit endogenous testosterone secretion and therefore do not need to use SERM clomiphene or enclomiphene. Other sarms, such as mk2866 and rad 140, mimic the mode of action of testosterone and inhibit endogenous testosterone production, requiring the use of SERM. Regarding when to use SERM, is it at the …

How to solve the high estrogen levels problems caused by AAS use

How to solve the high estrogen levels problems caused by AAS use

Estrogen in men is produced by the action of aromatase on testosterone, and this part of estrogen plays a key role in male health. When male bodybuilders take AAS, testosterone levels rise rapidly in the body, and estrogen levels rise accordingly. High estrogen levels can have a range of effects on male bodybuilders, including bone health, moodiness, gyno, and more. …

Symptoms of high estrogen: What is your cue when estrogen is getting too high?

Symptoms of high estrogen: What is your cue when estrogen is getting too high?

In the use of AAS, how to deal with estrogen is a compulsory course. When it comes to estrogen side effects, the first symptom that usually comes to mind is gyno. In fact, gyno is a late symptom of elevated estrogen levels. Before gyno appears, there are many symptoms that remind you that estrogen levels have been elevated and you …

AI (Aromatase inhibitors):Which is the best anti-estrogen to take on a steroid cycle

AI (Aromatase inhibitors):Which is the best anti-estrogen to take on a steroid cycle

The three most commonly used AI are letrozol, arimidex and exemestan, which AI should I choose when I want to block the effects of estrogen. Which one lowers more estrogen If the purpose is to block the effect of estrogen, then which AI can reduce the level of estrogen to a greater extent, then it is better, right? Let’s look …

How to select the AAS injection site?

How to select the AAS injection site?

Most AAS are for injection, and there are many site available for injection, which are the specific ones, which is our topic today. The usual injection sites The commonly used AAS injection sites are Thigh(quads),Delts,hip and gluteus. These location targets are larger, large muscles are in these areas, and if people choose these locations to inject, it will be easier …

Gyno treatment: How to deal with Gyno cause by AAS use

Gyno treatment: How to deal with Gyno cause by AAS use

Handling estrogen is an essential lesson in the use of AAS. Gyno is the result of the accumulation of excess estrogen. What should I do if I have gyno symptoms? In the treatment of gyno, there are three processes, namely gyno prevention, gyno flare-up and gyno reversal. These three cases are described in detail below. Gyno prophylaxis Gyno formation is …

Some weight loss tips for your information

Some weight loss tips for your information

No matter what age you are, once you talk about weight loss, there is always a lot of resonance, especially among women. Here are some weight loss tips for your information if you are interested in it. Make a weight loss plan After making up your mind to lose weight, just relying on the consciousness to keep telling yourself to …


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