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Apr 8 2022,a Italy customer purchased 1.1kg SARMs powder GW501516

Apr 8 2022,a Italy customer purchased 1.1kg SARMs powder GW501516

A customer from Italy purchased 1.1kg SARMs powder GW501516 from our company. The order was payed by Union Pay card,after our financial team receive the payment,our warehouse packed the product today,now the product is waiting for its shipment. Once be shipped out,we’ll provide tracking number to the customer, then,the customer can check where his product is at any time. We …

April 7, 2022 50g GW501516 to Italy

April 7, 2022 50g GW501516 to Italy

On April 7, 2022, I was contacted by a regular customer from Italy via Whatsapp, who wanted to buy GW501516 50g. After I received the payment from the customer, I arranged the warehouse to pack the goods for the customer at once. Under normal circumstances, the goods will be sent to the port within 1-3 days, and the customer will …

April 7, 2022 German customer buys samples at sarms factory

April 7, 2022 German customer buys samples at sarms factory

On April 5, 2022, our celia manager received a client from Germany who was looking for a high quality manufacturer of raw sarms powder for a finished bodybuilding supplement manufacturer. After understanding the customer’s needs, our celia manager introduced many details about the product and the factory video. The customer expressed great interest. On April 7, 2022, the customer contacted …

April 7, 2022 100g orlistat shipped to USA

April 7, 2022 100g orlistat shipped to USA

On April 7, 2022, a US customer with whom I had been working for many years contacted me via Whatsapp and said he needed my help to buy 100g of Orlistat. I said, “No need to buy it for you, my friend. I have it in stock right here. He was very surprised and complained why he hadn’t been told …

April 7, 2022 US customer purchases MK677 80g

April 7, 2022 US customer purchases MK677 80g

On April 7, 2022, the customer from USA purchased MK677 80g again. According to the customer’s demand, the warehouse staff divided 80g MK677 into 10g/bag, 8 bags in total. The product has been packed. Under normal circumstances, the product will arrive at the port in 1-3 days, and the customer will receive the package in 7-15 days. Here is the …

What is the role of AICAR played in lose fat

What is the role of AICAR played in lose fat

We don’t know from what time,more and more people around us a facing a fat problem. We often said “middle-aged fat” in the past, now is the youth fat, young also fat, from children to adults, obesity problems plaguing people of all ages.   Obesity is not only a kind of appearance trouble, but also increases the burden of cardiovascular …

April 7, 2022 10g GW501516 shipped to Austria

April 7, 2022 10g GW501516 shipped to Austria

On April 7, 2022, 10g GW501516 was shipped to Austria. Here are the product pictures. The customer from Austria is a veteran bodybuilder, he said he was looking for a high quality sarms supplier, and after I understood his needs. After I understood his needs, I said to him, “Brother, you’ve come to the right place”. In the process of …

April 7, 2022 100g MK2866 shipped to Bulgaria

April 7, 2022 100g MK2866 shipped to Bulgaria

The customer from Bulgaria first contacted me via email and said that he was introduced to us by a friend in the US and praised the quality of our products. The Bulgarian customer bought 100g of MK2866 for the first time and said he would buy more if he could receive the goods successfully. For EU countries, we generally use …

Apr 7 2022, a Portugal customer purchased 1kg steroids powder testosterone

Apr 7 2022, a Portugal customer purchased 1kg steroids powder testosterone

A customer from Portugal purchased 1kg steroids powder testosterone from our company,the order was payed by USDT, after our team received the payment,our warehouse colleague packed the goods,and now the goods is waiting for its delivery. After the goods be delivered out,we’ll provide trackimg number to customer, then,the customer will know where his goods is at any time. We will …

Apr 7 2022,a Netherlands customer purchased 1kg SARMs powder MK2866 (be seperated packed as two bags of 500g)

Apr 7 2022,a Netherlands customer purchased 1kg SARMs powder MK2866 (be seperated packed as two bags of 500g)

A customer from Netherlands purchased 1kg SARMs powder MK2866 from our company. You can see from the picture attached,his product had been seperated packed as two bags,each is 500g,now the goods is waiting for the delivery. It will be sent out for delivery in 3 days, after delivered out,we will send tracking number to customer,if everything goes well,he will receive …

Apr 7 2022, a Romania customer purchased 100g drostanolone propionate and 1kg Masteron Enanthate steroids powder

Apr 7 2022, a Romania customer purchased 100g drostanolone propionate and 1kg Masteron Enanthate steroids powder

A regular customer from Romania purchased 100g drostanolone propionate and 1kg Masteron Enanthate steroids powder. The order was payed by Bitcoin,after our financial team received the payment,our warehouse colleague arranged the packing and delivery. If everything goes well,the customer will receive his products in about one to two weeks. Hope he can receive his products as soon as possible and have a …

Apr 7 2022, a Ireland customer purchased 500g nandrolone,500g testosterone decanoate and 200g Nandrolone Decanoate steroids powder

Apr 7 2022, a Ireland customer purchased 500g nandrolone,500g testosterone decanoate and 200g Nandrolone Decanoate steroids powder

A customer from Ireland purchased 500g nandrolone,500g testosterone decanoate and 200g Nandrolone Decanoate steroids powder from our company. He know the product information from our homepage,after confirmed with our sales.he payed his order by USDT. After our financial team received the payment,our warehouse colleagues arranged the packing and delivery. Once the product be delivered out,we will provide tracking number to customer,then,the customer …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


    Pls send your inquiry to me!

    Whats app:+44 7927402193