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“Steroids”, “anabolic steroids” and “anabolic-androgens steroids” are three words commonly used in bodybuilding. Usually they represent testosterone, testosterone derivatives, testosterone variants and other synthetic male hormones. But obviously, these are three different kinds. Steroids Steroids are biologically active organic compounds with four rings arranged in a pecific molecular configuration. Its core structure is usually 17 C atoms connected in four …
All components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) are established during fetal life, and its first activation occurs during the neonatal period, when circulating testosterone (mini puberty) reaches adult male levels for several months and produces androgenic imprinting in non-reproductive tissues. After a surge in the neonatal period, HPTA becomes stationary during the 10 years of childhood. Studies have shown that …
Resistance to androgen and estrogen side effects is almost the norm for bodybuilder. But we should not blindly think that they are bad, they exist, play an indispensable role. Testosterone and its bioactive metabolites dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol determine the development and maintenance of male sexual differentiation and mature male characteristics. The most common side effects of DHT are prostate …
Oral steroid mesterolone /Proviron is a good AAS benefits a lot for bodybuilding. Fat reduction and cutting Mesterolone was better at losing fat than gaining muscle. It speeds up metabolism and helps burn stubborn fat, allowing bodybuilder to gain lean muscle mass. So Mesterolone is an obvious fit for the cutting cycle. In bodybuilding competitions, the harder part is tailoring. …
A customer from Finland purchased 1kg steroid Test A (Testosterone acetate) from us, he found the product from our website when he tried to find a suppler in Google. After confirmed with our sales ,he ordered steroid Test A this time. The order was payed by Union Pay card, after our financial team received his payment, we arranged the packing. …
Anabolic steroids are androgens, and the use of AAS by bodybuilder may cause problems related to emotion, such as inhibition, insomnia, aggression, and anxiety. Mesterolone had a positive emotion effects on these problems. A double-blind trial confirmed some surprising anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties of Mesterolone. Depression is basically cause by a chemical imbalance through signals between receptors. Mesterolone improves the …
Mesterolone, a derivative of DHT, is not aromatized and does not produce estrogenic effects. More importantly, it can also bind to aromatase and affect the action of aromatase, thus having the effect of inhibiting aromatase. Although it is not as powerful as true aromatase inhibitors, it is still a steroid in its own right, acting as a steroid, enhancing the …
Mesterolone is primarily used as an auxiliary compound in the AAS cycle and is rarely cycled alone. Because it has a weak anabolic effect, using it alone, the muscle mass gained is limited. However, its own characteristics are more suitable for use in other AAS cycle. Using it alone cannot fully play its role. Primary cycle Mesterolone can be used …
Before using any AAS, it is the most important premise to understand the dosage. The right dosage, in order to maximize the benefit at the same time, accompanied by the least side effects. The Mesterolone/Proviron dosage, also varies from person to person and from stage to stage. Although Mesterolone is primarily be use by Bodybuilders classifie as advance users. Some …
A customer from Germany purchased 10 boxes peptides TB500 from us in this week, you can find the product picture in the following: The customer payed his order by Bitcoin, after received his payment, we arranged the packing and delivery. Now the package in on its way to Germany, if everything goes well, the customer will receive his goods within …
For experienced Bodybuilders, it is rare to use only one AAS in their cycle, and Mesterolone/Proviron is a proper AAS for stacking. Mesterolone/Proviron act as AI to help other AAS avoid aromatization Studies have shown that long-term use of high doses of Mesterolone has no serious inhibitory effect on endogenous testosterone. A daily dose of 150mg or less of Mesterolone has no significant …
What is Mesterolone? It is better known by its brand name Proviron than Mesterolone. Mesterolone is an oral androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) drug developed in the 1960s and introduced for medical use by Schering in 1967 under the brand name Proviron. It is a derivative of DHT, does not produce estrogen, has weak androgenic and anabolic effects, is used …