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Oral AAS Oxandrolone Anavar side effects

Oral AAS Oxandrolone Anavar side effects

Any drug has its “possible” side effects, so why use the word “possible”? Because the prerequisite for side effects is often related to dosage and long-term use. Oxandrolone is approved by the FDA for medical use, and today we’re going to talk about some of its potential side effects. Androgen side effects As anabolic androgen steroids, androgen side effects are …

Oral AAS Oxandrolone Anavar vs sarm

Oral AAS Oxandrolone Anavar vs sarm

Oxandrolone vs sarm, Oxandrolone is an anabolic androgen steroid (AAS) and sarm is selective androgen receptor regulator. Why compare them together and what are the relationships between them ? Relationships between Oxandrolone and Sarm As we know, synthetic AAS are all based on the basic molecular structure of testosterone, and the purpose is to reduce the androgen activity of AAS …

Does oral aas Oxandrolone Anavar need PCT?

Does oral aas Oxandrolone Anavar need PCT?

Using anabolic steroids in bodybuilding can inhibit (or even shut down) endogenous testosterone production, so PCT is a necessary step after the anabolic steroid cycle is over. So do you need PCT after take Oxandrolone ? When discussing whether need PCT after the Oxandrolone cycle, it is important to understand whether it inhibits or even turns off endogenous testosterone production. …

What is the DHT derivative Oxandrolone Anavar ?

What is the DHT derivative Oxandrolone Anavar ?

Oxandrolone Anavar, as a synthetic DHT derivative, is an oral AAS for both male and female bodybuilders. Oral AAS It is a synthetic C17alpha alkylated compound modified on its 17th C atom to allow it to pass through the liver, making it an oral AAS. It is also a hepatotoxic oral AAS, however, Oxandrolone is much less hepatotoxic than metandienone …

The milder oral steroid Oxandrolone Anavar Androgen activity?

The milder oral steroid Oxandrolone Anavar Androgen activity?

In a previous article, we have introduced the relationship between Steroids, anabolic steroid and anabolic androgenic steroid. Today, the product we are going to introduce is Oxandrolone Anavar. Why I mention this article again? At that time, we said that all steroid belongs to anabolic androgenic steroid, although anabolic steroid is the ideal purpose of synthetic AAS, but there is …

Why Choose Proviron From All Oral AAS ?

Why Choose Proviron From All Oral AAS ?

Among commonly used oral AAS, dianabol has 2 times the anabolic activity of testosterone, anavar, winstrol, anadrol has 3 times the anabolic activity of testosterone, superdrol has 4 times the anabolic activity of testosterone, and proviron has the same anabolic activity as testosterone. In this case, why choose proviron? Proviron Advantages Over Other Oral AAS First of all, it doesn’t …

AAS Metandienone Dianabol Oral Dosage

AAS Metandienone Dianabol Oral Dosage

Metandienone (Dianabol)  is usually bodybuilder’s first choice for oral AAS, so how do we determine its oral dosage? How Much Shoud We Take? The usual oral dosage of metandienone is 10-30mg per day, with a maximum of 50mg per day. For beginners, the usual dosage should start at 10-15mg and the maximum dose should not exceed 25mg. The dosage For …

How Does AAS Build Muscle?

How Does AAS Build Muscle?

We all know that using AAS helps build muscle, but how does AAS build muscle? When referring to AAS, we commonly use the term testosterone and testosterone derivatives. Testosterone is the basis of all AAS and is also a kind of AAS. Understanding how testosterone builds muscle will help you understand how AAS builds muscle. How Does Testosterone Build Muscle? …

What is oral AAS metandienone dianabol?

What is oral AAS metandienone dianabol?

Metandienone is the first oral AAS,  and the most popular oral AAS. It also known as methandienone, methandrostenolone, or dehydromethyl testosterone, is most commonly known as Dianabol. It was the first synthetic testosterone create by German scientists in 1935 and sell in Germany and the United States in 1955. Metandienone was originally marketed as an androgen replacement therapy to treat …

How do bodybuilder eat ?

How do bodybuilder eat ?

How to eat in bodybuilding is the most important thing for bodybuilder. Eating the right, is the basic of bodybuilding. Bodybuilder exercises to gain a large amount of muscle that can’t be gained with exercise alone. A lot of muscle needs a lot of protein, and the process of exercise also needs a lot of energy. bodybuilder gets energy and …

What Benefits will we get from oral Stanozolol Winstrol?

What Benefits will we get from oral Stanozolol Winstrol?

AAS Stanozolol helps bodybuilder lose fat while gaining leaner and more muscle mass. Separately, Stanozolol has the following benefits. Stanozolol benefits in Increasing strength As an anabolic steroid, Stanozolol has excellent benefits in enhancing performance. Using Stanozolol significantly increases the strength level of bodybuilder and helps bodybuilder better engage with workouts. Meanwhile, Stanozolol does not directly promote the production of …

How to classify Steroid? Steroid is not equal to anabolic steroid

How to classify Steroid? Steroid is not equal to anabolic steroid

For bodybuilders, when talk about steroids, the reference must be to anabolic steroids. So, we use steroid anabolic steroid. However, normally speaking, steroid is not equal to anabolic steroid, anabolic steroid is just one type of steroid. So, how do we classify steroid? How to classify Steroid? General Classification From the view of steroid, we can classify steroid into five …


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