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The use of hCG

The use of hCG

hCG is administere primarily by intramuscular injection (IM), but also subcutaneously (SC). The average (3ml 22-25G x ½-1 ½”) syringe was sufficient for IM injection. But an insulin syringe (½-1ml 28-30G x ½-1″) was recommended for SC injection. The study found little difference in results between intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. The only difference is the speed of release at the …

A Hungary customer purchased 250g steroid Test E from us on Dec.9,2022

A Hungary customer purchased 250g steroid Test E from us on Dec.9,2022

A Hungary customer purchased 250g steroid test E(Testosterone Enanthate) from us this week.the customer found our product information from our homepage,after confirmed with our sales and verified the test report,he payed his order by USDT yesterday. After received his payment,our colleagues arranged the packing and delivery today. We will provide tracking number to customer later,then the customer could check where …

What are selective androgen receptor modulators?

What are selective androgen receptor modulators?

When someone asks, what is a SARM? We all know that SARM is a selective androgen receptor modulator. So what are selective androgen receptor modulators? Before we know what a selective androgen receptor modulator is, we need to understand the question “What is an androgen receptor?” “What is a regulator?” “What is selective?” What are androgen receptors? The main form …

A purchase order of 10g sarm sr9009 from Greece in week49,2022

A purchase order of 10g sarm sr9009 from Greece in week49,2022

A Greece customer purchased 10g sarm sr9009 from us ,the customer found the product from our website. After confirmed with our sales, he tend to purchase 10g sample at the first time. Picture of 10g sarm sr9009 please refer to the following : We are the raw material producing factory can provide shipments in large quantities, but we also provide raw …

Exercise training promotes anabolism in the body

Exercise training promotes anabolism in the body

Numerous studies have shown that exercise training increases baseline levels of testosterone, IGF-1, SHBG, hGH, and DHEA in both men and women. The mass and strength of a man’s muscles peak around the age of 30, losing 115% per decade from the age of 50 until the age of 70, when they have about 30% of their strength. About 50 …

Anabolic and catabolic homeostasis for bodybuilder

Anabolic and catabolic homeostasis for bodybuilder

The main purpose of bodybuilder is to grow muscle, which requires anabolism, and catabolism causes loss of muscle mass. Anabolism vs catabolism Anabolism and catabolism are two completely opposite processes. Anabolic reactions require energy, catabolic reactions produce energy. Anabolism involves taking simple molecules and building them into more complex ones, using energy in the process. Catabolism, in contrast, breaks down …

“Steroids”, “anabolic steroids” and “anabolic-androgenic steroids”

“Steroids”, “anabolic steroids” and “anabolic-androgenic steroids”

“Steroids”, “anabolic steroids” and “anabolic-androgens steroids” are three words commonly used in bodybuilding. Usually they represent testosterone, testosterone derivatives, testosterone variants and other synthetic male hormones. But obviously, these are three different kinds. Steroids Steroids are biologically active organic compounds with four rings arranged in a pecific molecular configuration. Its core structure is usually 17 C atoms connected in four …

The formation of the HPTA and the role of positive and negative feedback mechanisms

The formation of the HPTA and the role of positive and negative feedback mechanisms

All components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) are established during fetal life, and its first activation occurs during the neonatal period, when circulating testosterone (mini puberty) reaches adult male levels for several months and produces androgenic imprinting in non-reproductive tissues. After a surge in the neonatal period, HPTA becomes stationary during the 10 years of childhood. Studies have shown that …

Are male bodybuilder DHT and estrogen levels the lower the better?

Are male bodybuilder DHT and estrogen levels the lower the better?

Resistance to androgen and estrogen side effects is almost the norm for bodybuilder. But we should not blindly think that they are bad, they exist, play an indispensable role. Testosterone and its bioactive metabolites dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol determine the development and maintenance of male sexual differentiation and mature male characteristics. The most common side effects of DHT are prostate …

Oral steroid Mesterolone/Proviron benefits

Oral steroid Mesterolone/Proviron benefits

Oral steroid mesterolone /Proviron is a good AAS benefits a lot for bodybuilding. Fat reduction and cutting Mesterolone was better at losing fat than gaining muscle. It speeds up metabolism and helps burn stubborn fat, allowing bodybuilder to gain lean muscle mass. So Mesterolone is an obvious fit for the cutting cycle. In bodybuilding competitions, the harder part is tailoring. …

An order of steroid Test A powder 1kg to Finland in week47,2022

An order of steroid Test A powder 1kg to Finland in week47,2022

A customer from Finland purchased 1kg steroid Test A (Testosterone acetate) from us, he found the product from our website when he tried to find a suppler in Google. After confirmed with our sales ,he ordered steroid Test A this time. The order was payed by Union Pay card, after our financial team received his payment, we arranged the packing. …

Mesterolone/Proviron helps bodybuilder avoid emotional side effects

Mesterolone/Proviron helps bodybuilder avoid emotional side effects

Anabolic steroids are androgens, and the use of AAS by bodybuilder may cause problems related to emotion, such as inhibition, insomnia, aggression, and anxiety. Mesterolone had a positive emotion effects on these problems. A double-blind trial confirmed some surprising anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties of Mesterolone. Depression is basically cause by a chemical imbalance through signals between receptors. Mesterolone improves the …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


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