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An order of steroids powder to Romania customer on Apr 2, 2024

An order of steroids powder to Romania customer on Apr 2, 2024

A customer from Romania purchased 30g Testosterone Decanoate, 1kg Methenolone Enanthate and 1kg Sus250 powder from us. 30g steroids powder Testosterone Decanoate was separated packed in 3 small bags, 1kg Methenolone Enanthate was separated packed in 10 bags, each bag is 100g, and the same as 1kg SUS250 powder. Packing picture is as the following: It’s a regular customer who …

If we can increase muscle mass without affecting testosterone level?

If we can increase muscle mass without affecting testosterone level?

In the use of bodybuilding supplements, the most direct impact on the body is the inhibition of their own testosterone level, is there a growth of muscle mass without affecting their own testosterone levels of supplements? AAS AAS is an exogenous androgen. The use of exogenous androgen in the bodybuilding cycle will definitely affect the secretion of testosterone. During this …

An order of sarms and steroids from a US customer on Mar 28,2024

An order of sarms and steroids from a US customer on Mar 28,2024

A US customer purchase raw chemical powder from us. His order contains sarms MK677 20g, sarms lgd-4033 500g, injection steroids Drostanolone Enanthate 150g, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate Test C and mixed test powder SUS250 each for 500g, oral steroids Anavar 500g, Proviron 10g, Masterone 10g*3bags. The goods picture as the following for your info. The US customer payed his order …

Differences between AAS and testosterone IM and SubQ injection

Differences between AAS and testosterone IM and SubQ injection

Testosterone and AAS injections are  intramuscular injection (IM) and subcutaneous injection (SubQ), which of these two injection methods is better? IM vs SubQ basic info. IM refers to the injection of AAS into the muscle and SubQ refers to the injection of AAS into the subcutaneous tissue. IM injection is shallow and SubQ injection is deeper. As a result, IM …

An AAS order to Romania on Mar 27,2024

An AAS order to Romania on Mar 27,2024

A Romania customer purchase AAS from us, his second purchase. For the first time, he bought some Testosterone powder and Proviron. This time, he bought 300g Primobolan enanthate (100g in 3 bags), 200g Anavar(100g in 2 bags) and 1kg Proviron(100g in 2 bags). The picture is as follows: He payed this order by USDT, our financial team received his payment …

An order from a Germany customer about sarms and steroids on Mar 26, 2024

An order from a Germany customer about sarms and steroids on Mar 26, 2024

There is an order from a Germany customer, you can see from the following picture. Oh, it’s hard to describe his order in details, because his order has a lot of variety. In short, his order are mainly about bodybuilding raw chemical powder, it contains the most popular AAS, like testosterone, DECA, and also with PCT drugs. We also have …

How to solve the problem that semaglutide weight loss does not work after the plateau?

How to solve the problem that semaglutide weight loss does not work after the plateau?

Weight-loss drugs have a plateau, after which further weight loss is slowed or stopped. What should I do when semaglutide weight loss plateau appears ? Semaglutide plateau Semaglutide weight loss As with other weight loss methods, the body will eventually stabilize at an appropriate weight, which may or may not be the user’s goal weight. If you want to continue …

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Ireland on Mar 25,2024

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Ireland on Mar 25,2024

A customer from Ireland order SARMS and Steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms powder: Lgd4033 100g, Ac262 50g, MK2866 & rad140 each for 200g, YK11 & MK677 & S23 each for 10g, Steroids power: Testosterone Enanthate & Trenbolone Enanthate each for 500g Mixed testosterone SUS & Anadrol each for 200g Oxandrolone & Proviron each for 10g Deca (Nandrolone …

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Finland on Mar 22,2024

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Finland on Mar 22,2024

A customer from Finland order SARMS and Steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms powder: MK677 10g, MK2866 500g, S4 500g LGD4033 500g Steroids powder: Testosterone Enanthate 100g Trenbolone Acetate, 500g, trenbolone enanthate 500g Drostanolone Propionate,Drostanolone Enanthate, Metenolone Enanthate,Oxandrolone(Anavar) each for 10g. It’s a regular customer purchase raw chemical powder in our company for years. We communicate via …

Sarms liver support supplements NAC Milk thistle TUDCA

Sarms liver support supplements NAC Milk thistle TUDCA

SRAMS, as selective androgen receptor modulators, are less androgenic and, therefore, bring fewer androgenic side effects to bodybuilders’ bodies, whereas the effects of sarms on the liver are universal. Before starting a sarm cycle, you should prepare liver support in advance to avoid damage to the liver. Common liver support is NAC, Milk thistle And TUDCA, let’s take a look. …

What is the maximum testosterone level that the body can use effectively?

What is the maximum testosterone level that the body can use effectively?

For bodybuilders, a high or low level of testosterone is closely related to gaining and maintaining muscle mass and strength, and we generally think that the higher the level of testosterone, the easier it is to build muscle, so what is the maximum level of testosterone our body can effectively use? Testosterone levels in relation to muscle mass and strength …

Steroid Masteron 500g and Masteron E 100g to Austria on Mar 21,2024

Steroid Masteron 500g and Masteron E 100g to Austria on Mar 21,2024

A customer from Austria purchase 500g Masteron(Drostanolone propionate),100g Masteron E (Drostanolone enanthate) from US this week, picture as the following. Now his goods had been packed and shipped out today, the customer will receive it in bout 15 days. Now Masteron is out of stock, we are stepping up production, if you need it, please contact us in advance.All steroids …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


    Pls send your inquiry to me!

    Whats app:+44 7927402193