» Blog » Best Sarms stack » Best sarms stack: Rad140+MK677+YK11+Enclo to build muscle

Best sarms stack: Rad140+MK677+YK11+Enclo to build muscle


Experienced sarms users are no longer satisfied with the sarms solo cycle, but explore the sarms stack which can increase muscle to a greater extent. Here’s a sarms stack Rad140+MK677+YK11+Enclo for your information.


In this stack, RAD140 is a true Sarm, targeting muscle mass by binding to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. RAD140 also encourages the body to burn fat, thereby gaining lean muscle.


MK677 is a ghrelin (GHS) receptor agonist and a growth hormone secretagogue, similar to a growth hormone agonist, that activates the hypothalamic pituitary gland to produce actual growth hormone, which improves metabolic activity, builds muscle mass, controls hunger levels, and lowers cholesterol levels, among other things.

in addition to having an anabolic effect, in this stack, MK677 helps provide appetite during the cycle, enabling the user to consume enough nutrients to provide a material base for muscle growth.


Yk11 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (sarms), but it is also a myostatin inhibitor. As a myostatin inhibitor, YK11 unlocks myostatin and promotes greater muscle growth. For people with genetic traits that have a low potential to gain muscle mass, yk11 help to break down genetic barriers and promote muscle growth.

In this stack, the YK11’s special mode of action helps users gain muscle mass quickly, even though the sarms RAD140 has put on enough muscle.


Enclo stands for Enclomifene citrate, a non-steroidal SERM(Selective estrogen receptor modulator). By antagonizing the estrogen receptor in the pituitary gland, it reduces the negative feedback effect of estrogen on HPGA(hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis), thereby increasing the release of LH(luteinizing hormone) and FSH(Follicle-stimulating hormone) and promoting the production of testosterone.


In this stack, RAD140 has a small inhibitory effect, but yk11 has the structure of steroids, which has a large inhibitory effect on endogenous testosterone secretion. Use enclo in cycle helps to maintain testosterone levels during the cycle and avoid low testosterone.

In the sarms stack, the principle of using only one real sarm is generally followed. in this stack, it looks like two sarms are used, the RAD140 And the YK11. In fact, yk11 is not exactly the same mode of action as SArms for structural reasons. So RAD140+YK11 is also a common stack.

Rad140+MK677+YK11+Enclo is for bulking, not cutting. Because Cutting needs to control caloric intake, the increase in appetite provided by MK677 makes it difficult to control calories, and Yk11 also helps to rapidly expand muscles. Use this stack build muscle, need to deal with testosterone suppression issues, blood pressure issues, and add liver protection as appropriate.

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